Essential Considerations In Buying Wild Bird Feeders

It’s fulfilling to watch wild birds feeding on your yard. But it’s quite frustrating when they instantly fly away upon seeing you. That’s even if you’re approaching their spot to bring more food. Hence, you must buy the [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]best bird feeder to provide food supply without scaring them away.

How Wild Bird Feeders Help, and How to Buy One for your Yard

Bird feeders are specialized equipment which carry bird food such as seeds and sugar solution. They’re designed so birds easily get their food supply on a yard. You won’t have to go near the birds while they eat since bird feeders can carry big amount of bird food at once. So, you don’t have to worry about scaring these feathered friends away while feeding them.

But the function of a bird feeder doesn’t stop there. It carry bird food supply, and it protect such supply from unwanted pests as well. For example, it keeps squirrels and raccoons from stealing the bird food. Also, it shields the food from weather elements, such as wind, rain and heat.

Buying the Right Bird Feeder

With all the purposes and functions mentioned earlier, you should buy the best bird feeder for your yard. And this is not about finding the best available in the market, but choosing one that suits your particular needs. Here are few guidelines in choosing:

  1. Think of the type of birds in your area, and what type of food they love. There are different types of bird feeders, and each are designed to carry specific type of bird and their food. If you want to feed humming birds, for example, there’s a feeder that keeps and provides sugar solution instead of usual seeds. There are feeders for birds which love to eat seeds, birds which wants to eat from a cake, as well as for birds with unique beak and tongue shapes among other types.
  2. Buy a feeder that’s suitable for the weather in your place. For example, choose a feeder that completely shelters the food from wind, rain and heat. But one that doesn’t make it hard for birds to eat.
  3. Next, always consider the defense mechanism of a bird feeder against any pests. This includes insects, squirrels and raccoons among other unwanted guests. For example, there are feeders which shape makes it hard for squirrels to reach the food, but is easy for birds to reach by flying through. And there are many other options available in the market today.
  4. Aside from defense mechanisms, there are other accessory features you can think as well. For example, some feeders have electronic mechanisms, so you can control when it should open and closes. Moreover, bird feeders that have special carriers for web cameras are available too.
  5. Finally, consider the appearance and design of a bird feeder. Yes, some colors are attractive for specific types of birds, such as red for hummingbirds. So, consider such angle while buying. However, it wouldn’t hurt if you’d find one that satisfy your preference as well, especially to make it suitable for the theme of your yard or home.

Goal is, be sure to choose one that makes wild birds come and stay on your yard. That’s by giving them the right food without any intruders bugging around. And that’s how you can help in taking care of your feathered friends, while happily watching them from a distance.


Brandon Ingram created Galactic Squid and he hopes to see his site to touch the heights that it deserves. Brandon loves to write about tech and gaming.

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