Everything You Need To Know About Rhinoplasty

[google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty or also popularly known as nose job is a surgery used to change the shape of the patient’s nose through the process of modifying the cartilage or bone. This surgical procedure Is also considered as one of the most common forms of plastic surgery in the filed of cosmetology.

Why do people undergo Rhinoplasty?

There are several reasons why people want to get rhinoplasty. Some of those include repairing of the nose after an injury, correcting some problems in breathing, correcting some defects in forms of nose since birth or they are just not so happy with the natural feature and appearance of their nose. When a patient gets rhonoplasty surgery, there will be some changes in his or her nose. These include change in size, angle, straightening of the bridge, reshaping of the tip and even narrowing of the nostrils. Additionally, if rhinoplasty is being performed in order to enhance the appearance of your nose or for cosmetic purposes rather than for health benefits, it is important that the patient waits until their nasal bone is totally grown. For ladies, the age for their nasal bone to fully grown is about 15. On the other hand, for guys, they might still need to grow their nasal bone until they are a bit older. However, if the purpose of the surgery is not for cosmetics purposes but rather for health reasons like to correct breathing impairment, rhinoplasty can be done at even a younger age. 

What are the risks of rhinoplasty?

Just like any forms of surgeries, rhinoplasty can also have some risks. These include bleeding, infection or even a bad reaction to anesthesia. Hence, it is advisable to always consult with a legit surgeon who specializes in nose job. This is to avoid any problems in the long run with your nose. Generally, some of the risks involved in rhinoplasty include nosebleeds, a numb nose, scars, an asymmetrical nose, and even difficulties in breathing. Occasionally, most of the patients are not satisfied and so disappointed with the results of their surgery. They still need to wait until their nose is totally healed before undergoing an operation again. Usually, this will take a year for the newly operated nose to heal.

How do you prepare for Rhinoplasty?

Since nose job can be a very sensitive operation, it is advisable that the patient should prepare himself or herself  to be a good candidate for the operation. The very first thing to do is to meet with the surgeon and to discuss about your condition. Here, you will be able to know if your nose condition is allowed to undergo rhinoplasty. Additionally, your surgeon will also examine your medical history. He or she will ask you about your current medical conditions and medications. If you have some disorder related to the risks of rhinoplasty like hemophilia, which is a disorder that causes excessive bleeding, then you may not be a good candidate for the operation. 

Furthermore, your surgeon will also consider if you will be needing any additional surgery. For example, some patients also undergo a chin augmentation. This procedure is dine to define your chin. The consultation with the surgeon m,ay also include photographing of your nose from different angels. These shots are usually and generally used in order to assess the long-term results of the surgery and may be referred to during the operation. It is also important to know the costs of the entire surgery. If you have an insurance, then it will help you save a lot of money. However, the coverage of insurance is usually for health purposes only. But if it is for cosmetic reasons, then there is much less chance that the operation will be covered by the insurance. 

Generally, with the benefits of undergoing rhinoplasty or nose job surgery, a lot of people are becoming interested to try this method. However, before anything else, safety and your health protection should always be prioritized. Therefore, all the necessary precautions and the needed preparation must be performed. Clearly communicating with your surgeon is also crucial for you to have the right knowledge and idea about the entire surgery.



Brandon Ingram created Galactic Squid and he hopes to see his site to touch the heights that it deserves. Brandon loves to write about tech and gaming.

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