Is a Razor Cut Right For You? – Essential Things To Know!!

Using a razor to cut the hair is a technique which has been used for decades. The popularity of the razor cut comes and goes, depending on style trends. Razor-cutting gained popularity in the 1970s in response to the ultra-blunt and geometrical styles popularized by Vidal Sassoon in the 1960s. Razor-cutting once again became trendy in the 1990s and remains so to this day, although current trends are once again leaning toward the blunt and geometrical Sassoon-style cuts.

Does this mean that razor cuts are no longer stylish or trendy? Not exactly. In today’s fashion-saturated world, there is room enough for all kinds of haircutting techniques, from blunt scissor cuts to highly-textured razor cuts. The reason for this is because not everyone has the natural hair texture and thickness for a severe blunt cut. Razor cuts will always be a popular choice for those with medium-fine to medium hair types.

While many women have contemplated getting a razor cut, there are some general rules which influence the type of haircutting technique used by a stylist. Here are some of the “rules of thumb” I use in the salon in order to decide whether or not a razor cut is right for my client.

  1. Razor cuts are not ideal for those with curly hair. Curly hair tends to look unhealthy and damaged when cut buy a razor, since the razor cuts each hair at an angle instead of straight across. If you were to look through a microscope at hair cut by a razor, you will notice that the ends of the hair are angled, since the hair is cut on a bias.  The benefits of the nassrasierer test will be more as compared to the dry razor. The reviews and ratings should be checked before purchasing of the product. The ends of hair cut by scissors, on the other hand, would look blunt.
  2. Razor cuts are not ideal for those with super-fine hair. While razor-cutting can be used to add volume to certain hair types, it will only make super-fine hair appear stringy at the ends.
  3. The ideal candidate for a razor cut would be someone with medium hair density, or hair that is not too fine or not too thick. The ideal candidate would also have a very slight amount of natural wave to the hair, so that the hair can be easily straightened or curled with an iron or styled with a blowdryer.
  4. Is the client okay with a certain degree of un-evenness? A razor cut is supposed to be highly-textured and, to a certain degree, imprecise. I would be quite wealthy if I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen a stylist give a terrific razor cut to a client, only to have a client say “My hair looks uneven”. Guess what? It’s a razor cut. Every hair on the hair is not supposed to look even after a razor cut. If you want every hair on your head cut to exactly the same length, get a scissor cut.
  5. Is the client okay with regular maintenance? Razor cuts will need to be trimmed more often than scissor cuts. Since razor-cut hair is angled and tapered at the ends, the ends will be weaker and therefore more susceptible to damage. After six weeks, most razor cuts will look ratty and scraggly at the ends. Generally, razor cuts should last between 4-6 weeks, while scissor cuts should last between 6 and 8 weeks. In other words, if you’re the type of client who only likes to go to the salon two or three times a year, a razor cut is not for you.

These are the five basic things I take into account when performing a consultation with a client interested in a razor cut. If you are able to ask yourself these same questions, then you will be able to decide whether or not a razor cut is right for you.


Brandon Ingram created Galactic Squid and he hopes to see his site to touch the heights that it deserves. Brandon loves to write about tech and gaming.

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