Top African American Skate Boarders that Rock

What do these guys, Dave Chapelle, Terry Kennedy, Lil Jon, Lupe fiasco and Pharrel Williams have in common with king boarders Tony Hawk and Stevie Williams, they love the sport, making them part of the over 18 million skate boarders worldwide, hooked on ollies, kick backs, to kick flips and 360s from France to America the color of your skin is not important, skill talks.

Lil john

The multi-platinum king of crunk is maxxed out and hype behind the microphone, so it is only natural that his raw energy transforms him into an avid skateboarder. He is a friend of Greg lutzka [famous]. Lil Jon grew up hitting the skates as he admits in an AOL interview. He goes back to the 80s having Andy Howell as a buddy, cool. Skateboarding is a high octane sport just like his music, yeah! Check out this video.

Dave Chappelle

The funny man is an avid skateboarder; he has been seen rolling around rocking dark shades. In an interview he described skate boarding and playing video games as his top hobbies.

If he isn’t bringing laughs he is inspiring young skateboarders, birds of the same half pipe fly together, and there was a video of him hanging with kids at Kettering Park in D.C. His children love the extreme sport too.

Terry Kennedy

He even has his own reality show on BET, mainly focusing on the life of a half pipe hitting Ollie doing skill performing dude who loves his board to death.

Forget the c walk, he has the air walk. Growing up in long beach, he stayed away from the California colors and dramas banging only his boards on the sidewalks.

As for him, he was the only black kid back then, but there was no problem because it is all about the skills, drills and thrills. “You’ve got so many different people, so I just think it’s just growing and it’s getting innovative and it’s changing.”

Stevie Williams

This City of Brotherly Love native was the first professional skateboarder to get endorsed by Reebok. He has a deep passion for the sport, and this raw push has transformed into appearances on films and video games, proving that skating is a sport with endorsements like the NFL or the NBA.

He began hitting the pipes at the age of eleven, and Stevie has proved that skill and finesse can transform into longevity for any athlete.Stevie Williams skating

Bastien Salabanzi

Forget romantic France and kisses, Bastein is a tough French skater who has won international awards in Holland and Prague for his out of the world bag of tricks.He is mostly known for combining 180s and 360s of all types, quickly and skillfully. He currently resides in France, and spends his time building his passions and skill.

He brings a creative imagination to the sport. Watch video

Famous rappers Lupe fiasco and Pharrel Williams are connected to the sport. These two musicians make the soundtracks that tell the story, just like the NHL or major league Baseball have custom made music. These dudes come from the battlegrounds and add to the culture.

Skateboarding is not a color sensitive, country club sport, it is real energy juice concocted up of different people going hard; black, red, silver or magenta.

Well, I have experience in the skateboard bearings arena because of my affiliation with various extreme sports crews in my hometown, I am not really good at the sport, but in my interaction with the sports crews I have gained a key understanding in the fundamentals of the sport and culture.


Brandon Ingram created Galactic Squid and he hopes to see his site to touch the heights that it deserves. Brandon loves to write about tech and gaming.

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