

What Accessories Are Available For Your Shower Pod?

Are you paying attention to the accessories that you required with your shower pod? For sure you are present at right place to gather all possible details. Shower pods are in huge demand these days as they simply consume less space in your bathroom. In simple words, if your bathroom is small one it would be more than ideal to opt for these pods in order to enjoy close to perfect shower on each occasion. Now in order to enhance to improve efficiency of these shower pods you are required to spend some money on accessories. These accessories are bit costly, so better is to prepare a nice budget before making the final call.

Buying shower pod accessories is not an easy task as it seems to be. First of all, you are required to pay attention to your own demands. It would be more than ideal to collect bit of information about these accessories at your own end before making the final decision. Once, you follow a clear-cut approach, buying quality and appropriate accessories will never be a daunting task.

In advanced shower pod, they provide many facilities, and there is a finished look to the bathroom. Some accessories are there which help you in finding the best bathroom shower and let’s check them out.

Extend led packs

In the latest trend of a shower pod, there are some offers which provide such thing for making the ground cleaner. Using this extend leg packs, the base of the shower were increased high that much which allow 80mm  of wastewater trap which is run in the floor of the bathroom. If it is not done, then there are some chances of cuts onto a deck which looks ugly.

Access panels

It provides a neat and clean shower floor. Access panels were used to allow trapping the wastewater in excess which requires the maintenance. This kit includes all the necessary fixing range.

Wastewater trap

There are several ranges and models of shower pods which provide the best services in trapping the wastewater. While buying any shower pods, please check this facility; otherwise it becomes a problem at last, and then you need to spend more money on its repairing.

Extractor fans

If your bathroom space is affected by the humidity, then you have to use an extractor fan. There several types of fans are available in the market you need to buy that one which is affordable for you and fulfill your needs.


Wide ranges of the lighting system are available in the market like automatic, touch screen, eye contact, and many others. You need to select that one which is fit in your budget.


If your bathroom is stylish, then you need to that one which is suit on the style of your bathroom. You need to buy that seat which is comfortable for you.

Thus, these are some accessories which you have to consider while buying the shower pod.

Smart Ways To Trust Someone With Whom Your Met At Online Dating Site

The popularity of online dating websites is mushrooming day by day only because of its great outcomes. Therefore, if you are person who is looking for the best partner then you should check out at the online dating site. At the ShallonOnline you will get the great security features that will help you to do online dating with proper safety. Instead of this, people are able to use the safety feature in order to stay protected at the online dating platform so this would be the best option for you that you can easily choose for getting more and more benefits.

Moreover, people are trying to find out the best application that will help them to find out the best partner online, but they cannot get it. Well, it is not too much complicated to explore and choose the partner, but still there are some smart things that you need to check out because you cannot trust anybody. According to the previous reports, there are millions of people those are facing issues regarding the scams while using the online dating sites so you should simply take its advantages. Now I am going to share some great facts related to the online dating site.

How I can trust someone with whom I met newly at the online dating site?

Trust is really important especially when you newly met with someone at the online dating application or website. Thus, there are already lots of people those are engage with these kinds of site and their intention behind this is only taking advantage of people. Even most of the cyber crimes are comment only because of these kinds of people who just play with the feelings for the people. We are not talk about only boys, but still there are some girls who just use the guys and for taking money. Therefore, you should always stay safe by reading all these points-

  • You should first check out the real name of that person who newly gets in touch with you at the online dating site. Due to this you are able to know about his or her real lifestyle.
  • Even you can also search about him or her at the different social networking site for getting real information about that person. You will surely get those real details because these kinds of people make fake account only on the dating sites.
  • Never ever share your contact information on the chatting box of the online dating site. However, if you give him or her phone number then it is possible to get daily calls on the phone number so you should not take risk with it.
  • Don’t share your real photographs and real videos at the online dating site because it may create issues in your life. If the front person is editor then he or she can edit your picture and try to blackmail you.

  • If he or she is giving you real information then you can easily say that he or she is real and then you can easily share your feeling with your date.
  • Never fix the date for meeting until you do lots of video calls with the partner that would be best for you.
  • In case of any issue you can also use the blocking option that will help you to stay always away from the issues related to the any issue.
  • If someone is harassing you’re from many days then try to share this problem with someone on whom you trust properly this would be best option for you.

Moving further, you should simply choose check out all these great points those will give you great support for doing online dating so you should easily trust on it. Don’t forget to check out the all the terms and conditions before engage with the online dating site. This would be the best way to explore the best partner for your life who will trust you and your feelings perfectly. Therefore, this would be the best chance for you to get engage with the partner and then you can easily fix the date to get meet at the restaurant.

Choose the partner wisely

At the time of sign-up don’t forget to upload the picture and choose real age. Due to this,  you are able to choose the right partner that will just resemble to your age group. This is really crucial because if your date counted in the same age group then there would be no any complication will happen in order to understanding. Nevertheless, you should simply trust the person and chat with him or her by taking the advantage of the online dating site. This would be the best chance for you to find out the date life a happy life.

Basic Home Audio Speakers

Okay, you are starting to shop for home audio speakers for your living room or apartment and already are bogged down in unfamiliar terms and names. Let’s try to discuss the different types of home speakers as simply as possible.

Honestly speaking, the basic audio speaker technology hasn’t changed in several decades. Most all types of speakers have a combination of drivers or speakers with a crossover installed inside a cabinet. The cabinet might be of a plastic or composite material or a wood box of one type or another. The crossover circuitry actually divides the audio signal into various frequency bands and sends those bands to the drivers best capable of reproducing them. This simple setup enables the most accurate reproduction of sound possible depending upon the range and quality of the drivers.

You will regularly read of terms like “2-way” and “3-way” which indicates how many separate frequency bands each speaker system will handle. For example, a 2-way, full range speaker has two drivers including a tweeter and a woofer which handle two different bands. The tweeter handles upper or higher frequencies while the woofer handles the middle to lower frequencies. A 3-way speaker will normally have the tweeter for higher frequencies, a mid-range driver for midrange frequencies and a woofer for the lower frequencies. You can see why the 3-way might be a bit more desirable than just a 2-way and why it might also be a bit more expensive to purchase.

There are many improvements that have been made over the years so today, the sound quality is also related to many other factors such as speaker size, materials, room placement and so on. Many new designs present almost unbelievable sound clarity and quality. They are now engineered for reproduction of dynamic digital sound sources so there really are no hard set rules leading to best sound quality. Where decades ago you could find standard 18″ bookshelf speakers and 3′ to 4′ floor standing tower speakers, today speaker sizes range from huge tower speakers in heavy wood cabinets to small satellite speakers that will actually fit into the palm of your hand.

Credit Card Conseling for Consumers

Credit Card Counseling is required by most Americans today as the collective Credit Card debt of American citizens has exceeded $360 billion. The Credit Card Counseling services are offered by companies which specialize in assisting the consumers to get out of debt. Creditors use innovative ideas to earn money and debtors fall prey to their intentions. Most consumers get into Credit Card debt due to their habit of purchasing goods on Credit Card.

Credit Card Counseling Companies – Debt Management

As mentioned, it is a habit which eventually starts to create problems for the consumer. A consumer promises to him/herself that they will repay for the purchased goods. However, they often fail to do so and ultimately the debt compiles and greatly increases. Consumers must keep in mind all the disadvantages of Credit Cards and debt before using it. Each year Credit Card company owners make a lot of money due to the carelessness of consumers.

Benefits of Credit Card Counseling

Credit Card Counseling is required by people is a society where the emphasis is paid on “Plastic money”. Consumer Credit Card counseling companies reveal how financial operations go about and how consumers are lured into paying more for something economic.

All the charge card purchases have the interest rate on them which is a major problem to cope up with.

What Do Credit Card Counseling Companies Do?

Consumer Credit Card Counselors will show both sides of the picture to consumers. They will tell the consumer how Credit Card is useful. A consumer does not need to carry cash instead they may just take a Credit Card with them to pay for any purchases. Also, Credit Cards provide a quick monthly summary of all purchases. On the other hand, Credit Cards charge high-interest rate by consumers and sink the consumer in debt.

False Claims by Credit Card Companies

People who require professional assistance in respect of Credit Card, chances are that they are highly indebted. Advertisements and false claims by Credit Card companies fool the consumer in believing that there is a debt level which is “acceptable”. This claim is false but the damage done can be assessed by comparing College Student`s Credit Card balance which is US$3000 in recent surveys and was US$2000 two years back.

Advice by Credit Card Counseling Companies

Consumers must take into consideration their spending habits and ways before using a Credit Card. If all calculations are done, the consumer will find out that Credit Cards charge much more then what the consumer wants to pay. Consumer Credit Card Counseling companies advise consumers to pay monthly installments on time. They also suggest the consumer limit his/her monthly expenses and live life according to a budget.

Debt Reduction by Debt Regret

Debt Regret is regarded as one of the most successful debt reduction companies. Debt Regret is a Texas-based organization, dedicated and bringing a change in consumer`s lives. It is quite natural that consumers get attracted to the luxuries offered by various brands.

To get these luxuries, consumers take a loan which becomes impossible to pay under dubious circumstances. Debt Regret aims to help consumers by reducing their total loan amount.

Debt Regret – Texas Based Debt Management Company

It is every individual`s right to live a financially independent life. Debt cannot be managed all alone if it exceeds a certain limit. However, Debt Regret has always motivated her clients to opt for a change. Debt Regret operates in many fields of expertise which includes debt consolidation and debt reduction. Consumers may choose any service they wish to and work on repaying debt. Consumers are also made aware of all the important things to consider.

Different Client Needs – Debt Regret Customer care

Using a debt consolidation or settlement service may affect a person`s credit report. Consumers are advised to work on their credit reports for improvement. Improvement in a credit report is bought by making timely repayments for the debt they have reduced with Debt Regret.

Every consumer has different requirements which are always kept in mind by the company. Debt Regret has experts working in the firm to help the clients overcome debt problems.

Debt Regret – Debt Awareness and Bankruptcy Alternatives

Debt Regret is one organization that also spreads awareness about debt and it`s management in clients. The staff of Debt Regret is always present to assist potential clients. Clients with all sorts of financial problems are most welcomed at the company premises. The staff is very capable of resolving credit and debt problems with clients. The company provides bankruptcy alternatives which are better than filing for bankruptcy.

Debt Reduction Program Offered by Debt Regret

Debt Regret provides assurance of positive results to clients regardless of the potential drawbacks involved in using a debt reduction service. Debt Reduction generally reduces the debt amount my as much as fifty to eighty percent. The leftover debt amount is then repaid in installments by the consumer.

Contact Information for Clients – Debt Regret
7460 Warren Parkway Suite 220
Frisco, Texas 75034
Phone: 1-888-902-3328
Fax: 1-214-461-0483
E-mail: concerns@debtregret.com

Consolidate Your Debt At DebtConsolidation.org

It is a gigantic task to manage your account in the modern era. The increasing debts and demanding creditor’s calls, take a toll on the life of the clients and the delay in the payments affect your credit history, which ultimately bars you from getting any other loan. One needs the guidance and expert advice of the reputable firms to get his loans settled and DebtConsolidation.org is one such firm that is helping its clients all over the USA.

The company offers a wide range of services and has demonstrated excellent customer relations and service record.


As the name indicates, DebtConsolidation.org is a company that operates via the internet, and hence its speedy action is guaranteed. The company offers a wide range of services and packages to choose from and the clients can select the plan as per their needs. The company has an excellent set of attorneys and negotiators at their disposal, who assist their clients in becoming loan free.

Services By DebtConsolidation.org

The DebtConsolidation.org is renowned for its expert and speedy services. The company operates in the following pattern:-

Submission Of Application

The clients get in touch with the company via the internet and submit their application for debt settlement or debt negotiations which are received by the company.

The clients can also make use of the toll-free number provided by the company to get in touch with the company executives.

Review Of Information

On receipt of the application, the company reviews all the details in the application. Then the company contacts the client to ask whether he or she is still interested in debt settlement consultation or not. The application is processed further only after the consent of the client.

Provision Of Counseling

Once the client has given the go-ahead signal, the company gets in consultation with its experts and chalks out the plan for the client. The client is informed about all the details of the plan and is given credit counseling as per his case.


Confidentiality remains the hallmark of the operation of DebtConsolidation.org. All the client’s details and financial data are processed with the utmost care and all details are considered strictly confidential.

Company Contact Information
The company can be contacted via their website www.debtconsolidation.org. The other method is via toll free number below.

Phone Number: 1-800-288-2455

Debt Management By The Debt Shield

It has become a great challenge to manage one’s debts in the modern era. A large number of companies offer a huge variety of debts. It becomes difficult for the client to keep a record of payments to all the companies. In addition, the difficulties to pay back loans in time results in increasing the debt. In order to assist the clients in the swift adjustment of loans, the Debt Shield has become a fore-runner.

The Debt Shield

Debt Shield company is striving to help their clients get rid of the loans and be able to make the repayments in an easy manner. It is based in Columbia, Maryland. The company looks after the needs of its clients all across the USA. The company aims at assisting the people in managing their loans with minimum hassle.

Loan Management By The Debt Shield
The Debt Shield deals with a large variety of loans. A few of the debts managed by the Debt Shield are:-
  1. Credit Card Loans
  2. Medical Debts
  3. Personal loans

The company assists the clients in loan adjustments and also helps them make the minimum payments as and when required.

Qualifying For Loan Programme

It is very easy to qualify for the loan management programme of the Debt Shield. They have kept the limit at 10000 dollars.

Any person having the loan in excess of this amount can be eligible for debt management.

Guaranteed Management

The biggest advantage of choosing the Debt Shield as your credit settlement company lies in the guarantee claimed by the company. The company assures its clients to reduce the monthly payments to half. This means that the clients shall save on account of the monthly payments. They shall have the freedom to support their home in a better way. The money saved on monthly installments can be put to better use by the clients.

Standing Of The Debt Shield

The Debt Shield is a highly reputed organization. It has a good standing in the credit market and is a member of The Association of Settlement Companies (TASC). The clients can, therefore, select it without any worries and be assured to get their loans settled in time.

Contact Debt Shield
The postal addres of the company is given below:

9212 Berger Road, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046-2312

The company can also be cotacted by their help line. The number is given below:

Phone: 1-888-397-7546

Bears come into homes; One scratches woman; another eats birthday cake

A large black bear broke into a home near Cimarron Tuesday night and scratched an elderly, bedridden woman. A bear believed to have been the attacker was found and killed by wildlife officers the next morning.

It was the second time in less than two weeks the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish handled a report of a bear entering a home in the area.

The 82-year-old woman involved in Tuesday’s incident suffered only minor injuries — a scratch to the nose and a couple scratches to the forehead — in the incident that occurred at her home a little more than two miles north of Cimarron, according to Game and Fish.

The injuries were “pretty minimal for what happened,” said Clint Henson, a Game and Fish officer with the department’s Raton-based northeast region office. Henson said the woman, who asked authorities to not identify her, did not have the ability to provide many details of what happened Tuesday night, but confirmed a bear had been in her bedroom, where the light was on at the time. Henson said officials believe the bear may have climbed onto the bed and then scratched the woman and left when she tried to push it off.

Henson said officers found the home’s screen door — which was latched Tuesday night with only a small hook-and-eye mechanism — ripped away from its frame. The main door was open at the time the bear is believed to have come in. He said claw marks on the screen door indicated a bear pulled it away from the top of the door. He said it would have taken a bear of significant size to reach the top of the door and pull it as indicated by the claw marks.

Using hounds to try to track the culprit bear, members of the tracking team found a large male bear — fitting what officials believed to be the description of the bear they were looking for — around mid-morning Wednesday, about a quarter mile to a half mile from the woman’s house and killed it. Henson said a shot was fired at it when it was spotted and the bear then climbed up a tree, where it was when a fatal shot was fired into it.

“This was a huge bear” of likely more than 400 pounds, Henson said, adding that bears such as this one — believed to have gone into a home — are usually killed to eliminate further danger to people.

“That crosses the line,” Henson said, “when they feel comfortable enough to come into a house.”

The bear was taken to a veterinarian diagnostic center in Albuquerque to be tested for rabies and where wildlife officials hoped DNA testing could possibly be used to match the bear to DNA found at the site of Tuesday’s incident.

According to Game and Fish, the injured woman’s housekeeper/caretaker was in the house Tuesday at the time the bear is believed to have entered, but was in another room and did not see or hear the bear. There was also a dog in the house that didn’t alert to the bear.

Later, at about 10 p.m., the housekeeper/caretaker closed the doors to the house — apparently not noticing how significantly the screen door had been damaged, Henson said — and checked on the woman, finding the scratches and putting simple bandages on them. Game and Fish officials were not called until the seriousness of the event was realized early Wednesday morning, according to Henson.

The scent-sniffing hounds were provided by Springer’s Hap Blacksten and the dogs began circling the woman’s house, eventually picking up a scent that led them to the bear.

Normally, food smells entice bears into camps or homes, according to Game and Fish, but there was no food in the woman’s bedroom at the time of the incident.

Ten days earlier, a family in their northeast Raton home awoke to a black bear in their kitchen. The bear ate a birthday cake that was on a table and was getting a drink at the sink when Drey Solano went to investigate sounds in the kitchen and found the bear.

Solano told Game and Fish officers he went to get his pistol and told his kids to go in his bedroom with their mother Jill. When he returned to the kitchen, Solano said, the bear went out the door, but then came back twice during the night only to find the doors locked. Earlier, the bear found access to the house because the family had left some doors and windows open for cool air.

Game and Fish set up a trap at the home following the incident. The bear was caught and killed Wednesday, Henson said.

Solano told officials he was unsure if he would get into trouble if he had shot the bear. Game and Fish regulations say that people can kill a bear without a license if it has killed domestic livestock or presents an immediate threat to human life or property. Any person taking such action must report the incident to Game and Fish within 24 hours.

For information about bears and other New Mexico wildlife, contact the state Department of Game and Fish at (888) 248-6866 or at its northeast region office at 445-2311. Information from the department is also available at www.wildlife.state.nm.us.

4 Easy Steps to Prevent Costly Cyber Attacks on Your VoIP Network

As the world moves away from traditional landline phone service (especially the business world) and more people and businesses embrace VoIP and SIP technology, those making the switch will be presented with new opportunities, but also new risks.

A recent NY Times article highlighted some horror stories businesses need to keep in mind as they transition their phone networks to the Internet. Landlines are dying and VoIP/SIP is the way of the future, so just you shouldn’t discontinue Internet service from your business because it’s susceptible to cyber attack, you shouldn’t shy away from VoIP because it’s susceptible to the same security risks.

My point in telling you all of this is to emphasize the importance of taking phone security just as seriously as you do your computer systems.

So how can you protect your phone system? The NY Times story offers a couple of suggestions worth expanding on:

  • The first thing to keep in mind is making sure each user sets up a strong voicemail password. Voicemail passwords are typically the gateway to all the phone’s features, including call forwarding. It’s important your organization really educate and enforce this policy.
  • Similarly, call forwarding features, need to be be turned off or restricted to those accounts that actually need the feature, and strong access controls need to be implemented as well. Since many cases of network hacking make their money off of forwarding calls to international destinations, it’s imperative that feature be limited to only the select few employees (if any) that need it .
  • Secure SIP credentials are also a must. Don’t use the same password for every device, portal or feature associated with your phone network.
  • Beyond what you can do in the office, your carrier should have strong fraud monitoring provisions in place to keep an eye on your network. If not, then find a carrier that does.

If you want to truly get the most out of technology — any technology — the easiest first step is mitigating risks. Don’t forget about your phone system when looking at cyber security plans and measures. Apply these strategies to your phone system and you’ll make it a lot harder for cyber criminals to target your business.

Seattle’s Pike Place Market

A few weeks ago during winter break, we decided to take our boys on little adventure trip…..our destination….SEATTLE.

Over the years we drove by and through Seattle many….many times. We visited surrounding areas of Seattle but never made it our way to downtown and waterfront.

I instantly fell in love with downtown Seattle….I loved the view from our hotel….I enjoyed all the shopping and a variety of great restaurants…

During our 3 day visit we tried to do and experience as much of Seattle as we could….even the rain couldn’t stop us.

One of the most fun….interesting….memorable experiences was PIKE PLACE MARKET….

I’ve been to many markets across the world….some more memorable than others, but the foodie in me will never ever forget Pike Place Market.

….farmers with the freshest produce and fresh flowers (in December)…..unusual produce….bakers….fishmongers….performers….little unique store….spices….400 kinds of teas….cobblestone streets…alleys….view of the ocean and Elliott Bay…..people….smells….music….

You name….it was there. Whole nine acres of it.

We spend hours and hours walking through the market….discovering new things….trying new foods….reminiscing over familiar things….

PIKE PLACE FISH stall with their famous “flying fish”……the best French Macaroons and chocolate eclairs at LE PANIER bakery….

….watching cheese-making at BEECHER’S HANDMADE CHEESE and trying fresh cheese curd (divine) and World’s Best MAC & CHEESE….pigging out on handmade fresh Russian Piroshky at PIROSHKY-PIROSHKY

…..sampling many….many delicious and some very different tea flavors at VITAL TEA…..trying not to buy every single exotic spice at MARKETSPICE….stopping my 15-year-old from “needing” every old book at BLMF Used Books…..watching my 9 years old demonstrate new magic tricks he picked up at MARKET MAGIC.

We all enjoyed our time at PIKE PLACE MARKET….and we can’t wait to go back there again….in a very near future…

….hopefully with little less rain and cold…..maybe this time we will plan our trip during summer months.

If you find yourself in or around Seattle…..YOU MUST stop at Pike Place Market….even for a short time…..I heard many times about this place, but only now I actually know what a truly unique place Pike Market Place really is.

Have you ever visited Pike Place Market or is there a market you truly love? Maybe one day I will visit your market.